Best Bedtime Stories for Kids


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This is a nice collection of the best bedtime stories for kids. These bedtime story books don’t have any scary or gruesome descriptions that give kids nightmares. These bedtime stories for kids are sweet classic fairy tales, as well as modern fairy tales and sweet stories for kids. Give your kids sweet dreams by reading these nice bedtime story books to them!

FREE Interactive Science Quizzes for kids!


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This site has the best online free science quizzes for kids. These interactive science quizzes provide you with a percentage score in the end of the quiz and are a fun way for kids to learn easy science facts and test their knowledge. Kids can compete against classmates or against friends to see who gets the best score! Check out these free interactive science quizzes here.

Famous Scientists for Kids


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If it weren’t for the great discoveries produced by the famous scientists, the world we are in today would not be a different place. Their theories, concepts, research, experiments, achievements and determination serve as an inspiration to those that follow in their footsteps. Embracing a broad range of scientific fields such as chemistry, physics, biology and astronomy, these famous scientists have pushed the world of science forward, giving opportunities for the human race to answer seemingly impossible questions while at the same time making ways to new fields of research and discovery.

Here are three famous scientists for kids:

Leonardo da Vinci was more than just an incredible artist. He was known to excel in every field he tried. He created many religious paintings and sculptures. Most especially, he left detailed blue prints for inventions that resemble our modern-day helicopters and army tanks.

Stephen Hawkings may had problems with his speech and gait while attending Oxford University, but his work on the universe and black hole has changed the way scientists think about the universe.

Thomas Edison was a busy curios boy who frequently got into trouble at different places. But that didn’t stop him from improving already invented equipment to let people live more comfortably, such as the telegraph.

Visit for more famous scientists for kids.

Plants that Heal and Kill


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Plants are amazingly powerful. All they need is to be in a place with sufficient water and sunlight in order to survive. But did you know that plants have powerful chemicals inside them? Because plants have healing power they have been used for thousand of years from all corners of the globe to heal or prevent disease. Read more about the kinds of plants that have a healing power here.

However, plants do not only possess healing power, they also have the ability to kill. There are widely known plants that are poisonous to animals and humans. Learn more about the plants that can kill. Some plants that appear to be harmful are in fact poisonous. While others look so good on the outside but the opposite in the inside. Never let their stunning color fool you!

For more interesting facts about plants healing and killing powers, visit

One of the Most Unwanted Animals


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Does the word “cockroach”, make you shudder? How about seeing it flying? If so, you are definitely not alone. Cockroaches rank right up there with mice and mosquitoes as the most unwelcome visitors to your house! Not only they live in dirty places, they also pick up lots of germs and spread diseases to people. Learn more reasons why people dislike cockroaches.

Most cockroaches dislike the light that’s why they come out at night to search for food. Once you turn on the light, they’ll quickly scatter and hide. These crawling creepy insects are becoming a big problem in crowded cities and apartment buildings. Maybe in your place as well. So, how do you get rid of these pests? Best is to call an exterminator and always keep your kitchen clean. Read more facts about cockroaches in

For in depth research, visit wikipedia.

Gardening for Kids


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Gardening is a great way for children to learn new skills while having fun. From taking care of their plants, they can learn about the science of plants, animals, insects, weather and surroundings, and even about healthy eating.

There’s more to planting a garden than digging a hole, sticking a seed in the ground, watering the plants, and waiting for something to grow. Gardens are lessons in science. A garden teaches preschoolers how plants come to life through germination and reproduction. It also explains the ecosystem and the natural biodiversity through pollination and fertilization. School-age children can make a gardening journal, know a plant’s scientific name and grow more difficult plants. Interest your kids to learn more facts about plants in

Make Time for Science Time


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Do you want your child to have fun while studying science? can help you do so. Your child has most probably set aside time for the things he love, like playing with the neighbor friend across the street. When we love something, we find ways to make it possible. If you want your child to develop a love for science then do it in this simple way.

Try to work about half an hour several times a week for fun and easy science activities. Science experiments can be done anywhere. Fear not of explosions! You neither have to turn your kitchen nor your garage into a blast zone to teach your kids about science at home.

Preschoolers will have fun doing simple science experiments that don’t require much energy on your part, yet are jam-packed with fun learning opportunities. Make your own barometer is one good experiment you can do. While your school-age children can try science experiments that are a bit more complex but won’t leave your house a blown out area when they’re finished.

Fascinating Facts about the Human Brain


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Do you have any clue how amazing the human brain is? will give you the answer. The three pound groovy chunk inside your head probably doesn’t look like much, when in fact it is a mighty master control panel. It is faster than the fastest computer in the entire planet. It controls every move you make. It’s like the busiest machine right on top of your body. It sends signals to keep your heart beating, your lungs breathing and your eyes blinking.

One scientist described it as the most complex thing humans have yet discovered in the universe. The brain is the center of the nervous system, taking charge of your thoughts, movements, memories and decisions. Feed your brain with more human brain facts here.

For in depth research you can visit wikipedia.